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  5. Rancangan Sistem Informasi Finansial berbasis Emas dengan Penerapan Blockchain.
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LET merupakan aset kripto yang bergerak pada sistem keuangan finansial terdesentralisasi atau decentralized finance DeFi. Di Indonesia, reputasi LET diyakini bakal meningkat. Menurutnya Indonesia merupakan pasar potensial bidang aset kripto.

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  • Bahkan, Indonesia adalah negara dengan pasar cryptocurrency yang lebih potensial melebihi China. LET ingin mendapatkan perhatian yang lebih besar masyarakat Indonesia dan berharap bisa membangun komunitas yang kuat di Indonesia," ucapnya.

    Indonesia Jadi Pasar Potensial Blockchain Dunia | Republika Online

    LET didirikan pada yang dilatarbelakangi oleh tim andal di bidang finansial dan blockchain. LinkEye juga telah berkomitmen untuk mengeksplorasi data kredit aset digital, dan diharapkan dapat memberi pengguna pinjaman aset digital terdesentralisasi. Menurut Vitalii LinkEye berfokus pada data kredit terdesentralisasi di mana layanan oracle-nya juga dapat memberikan data kredit yang akurat untuk produk DeFi. Selain itu, juga berkontribusi pada operasi keamanan produk DeFi. Phone: Fax: Email: newsroom rol.

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    Indonesia adalah negara dengan pasar cryptocurrency yang lebih potensial dari China. One reason is that the money material has no intrinsic value, is easy to install and disseminate, and money no longer produces gold as a standard exchange rate. Gold has an intrinsic value that is resistant to value.

    Information technology through application media that runs on information systems. The information system that manages savings, payments, transfers, investments and other financial-related activities.


    Meanwhile, the present situation shows that gold is no longer a substitute for commodities that can be traded. Information systems are supported to produce gold as the basis for money spent in the system. To manage transactions, this information system applies blockchain technology as the backbone of transactions. Existing data on a transaction in the Blockchain cannot be changed, each data changes according to encryption in the next block. Also, the blockchain is distributed to every user in the blockchain and transactions will be backed up. Users must use a computer connected to the internet network.

    Mata Uang Kripto Syariah

    The purpose of this study is to discover the potential of the blockchain system so that it can be used in gold-based financial information systems. The information system makes gold as a base for resistant transactions and gives confidence to the user. You may also start an advanced similarity search for this article.

    Abstract Inflation in currencies involving several countries in the world.


    References [1] Booch. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications.

    Crypto trading halal or haram, crypto trading halal or haram

    Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley [2] Dennis. Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Tri A.