How to redeem bitcoin cash electrum

Mac: open the downloaded. Linux: follow these instructions. Connect and unlock your Ledger device. Open the Bitcoin Cash app. Launch Electron Cash from your applications folder.

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The install wizard opens. Leave the default wallet name and click Next. Select Standard wallet and click Next. At the keystore screen, select Use a hardware device and click Next. Select your Ledger device and click next. Instructions Open the Receive tab.

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Copy and share the Receiving address with the person or service that will transfer to your account. Make sure you double-check the address if you copy and paste it. Instructions Open the Send tab. Enter the recipient address in the Pay to field. Please verify the address when you copy and paste. Open the browser on your machine and navigate to the Electrum website.

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  6. Click the 'Download' tab. If you are a Windows user choose the 'Portable' version of Electrum. Otherwise choose the version specific to your distro.

    Complete Electrum Wallet Review: How to use Electrum?

    If you happen to use the Electrum wallet software to hold your Bitcoins already, use a different computer or a virtual machine to run these steps. See our guide on running Windows 10 in a Virtual Machine. If you're using Microsoft Edge, choose to save the program, then click 'Run' when the download is complete.

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    Otherwise double click to run the program from your Downloads folder. Leave the option on the first window checked to default auto connect , then click 'Next'.

    Importing your private keys into Electrum

    The next screen will ask you to create a wallet file. Click 'Next' again and choose your wallet type. Standard Wallet is probably the easiest. The 'Keystore' window will ask if you wish to create a new seed. Leave this option checked and click 'Next'. Unlike other Bitcoin wallet programs, Electrum connects to various servers which run a copy of the Bitcoin Blockchain. This makes it very lightweight as it doesn't have to download its own copy.

    When you do not have any ElectrumSV wallets

    Write down the seed that you see on a piece of paper and store it somewhere safely. This is crucial to make sure that your Bitcoins are safe. Electrum will ask for this each time you start the program the first time and want to send a transaction. Electrum will now generate addresses for your new wallet. As soon as it starts click on the 'Receive' tab and find a valid address for this wallet where you can receive coins e.

    How to split your Bitcoin Cash in 5 minutes

    Leave Electrum running. Open your original wallet and send all your Bitcoins to this new address. This is now your new Bitcoin wallet and you should use this for all BTC related transactions. Wait until the transaction is confirmed and your old wallet is empty before proceeding. You can use websites such as Blockchain to check the number of confirmations wait for at least 6. Now that your old wallet software is empty, you will need a list of any private keys it previously used.