Can bitcoin miners mine other coins

To prevent blocks from being written too quickly or too slowly as more or less computing power is used by miners, the protocol is adjusted every two weeks to demand a longer, harder to guess, or shorter, easier to guess, string of zeros at the front of the hash. The target for those adjustments is generation of a new block every ten minutes. Whenever a miner solves a block by writing a signature with enough zeros, they broadcast it and the other miners validate the solution and check to make sure that the transactions listed are all valid.

How Does Mining Work?

That brings us, at last, to the question of why miners mine. This answer is actually simple, miners mine because the writer of a new block in the blockchain has permission from the protocol to give herself a reward of brand new bitcoins, called a coinbase transaction. That reward started at 50 bitcoins per block. Every four years the protocol is adjusted, reducing the reward by half. One day the reward will be very small, but miners can also be rewarded by collecting fees volunteered by users that request transactions. Education Cryptocurrency What are Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies?

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What is Bitcoin Mining?

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Everything You Need to Know About How to Mine Cryptocurrency

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How Anonymous is Bitcoin? Is Blockchain Different than Bitcoin? Do you really need a blockchain for that? Any transactions left in the memory pool, after the block is filled, will remain in the pool for inclusion in the next block. Eventually a transaction without fees might reach a high enough priority to be included in the block for free. Bitcoin transactions do not have an expiration time-out.

A transaction that is valid now will be valid in perpetuity. However, if a transaction is only propagated across the network once, it will persist only as long as it is held in a mining node memory pool. When a mining node is restarted, its memory pool is wiped clear, because it is a transient non-persistent form of storage. Although a valid transaction might have been propagated across the network, if it is not executed it may eventually not reside in the memory pool of any miner.

Wallet software is expected to retransmit such transactions or reconstruct them with higher fees if they are not successfully executed within a reasonable amount of time. You can see this block in the blockchain using the Bitcoin Core client command-line interface, as shown in Example The first transaction added to the block is a special transaction, called a generation transaction or coinbase transaction. Unlike regular transactions, the generation transaction does not consume spend UTXO as inputs.

Instead, it has only one input, called the coinbase , which creates bitcoin from nothing. The output of the generation transaction sends the value of The fees are calculated as:. The reward is calculated based on the block height, starting at 50 bitcoins per block and reduced by half every , blocks. Because this block is at height ,, the correct reward is 25 bitcoins.

The initial subsidy is calculated in satoshis by multiplying 50 with the COIN constant ,, satoshis. This sets the initial reward nSubsidy at 5 billion satoshis. Next, the function calculates the number of halvings that have occurred by dividing the current block height by the halving interval SubsidyHalvingInterval. In the case of block ,, with a halving interval every , blocks, the result is 1 halving.

The maximum number of halvings allowed is 64, so the code imposes a zero reward return only the fees if the 64 halvings is exceeded. Next, the function uses the binary-right-shift operator to divide the reward nSubsidy by two for each round of halving. In the case of block ,, this would binary-right-shift the reward of 5 billion satoshis once one halving and result in 2.

The binary-right-shift operator is used because it is more efficient for division by two than integer or floating-point division. Finally, the coinbase reward nSubsidy is added to the transaction fees nFees , and the sum is returned. As you can see in Example , the generation transaction has a special format. We examined transaction inputs in Table In a generation transaction, the first two fields are set to values that do not represent a UTXO reference.

Generation transactions do not have an unlocking script a. Instead, this field is replaced by coinbase data, which must be between 2 and bytes.

From Start to Finish: Bundle Transactions, Validation, Proof of Work, Blockchains and the Network

Except for the first few bytes, the rest of the coinbase data can be used by miners in any way they want; it is arbitrary data. Currently, miners use the coinbase data to include extra nonce values and strings identifying the mining pool, as we will see in the following sections. The first few bytes of the coinbase used to be arbitrary, but that is no longer the case. The first byte, 03 , instructs the script execution engine to push the next three bytes onto the script stack see Table A The next three bytes, 0xb04 , are the block height encoded in little-endian format backward, least significant byte first.

Reverse the order of the bytes and the result is 0xb44 , which is , in decimal. The next few hexadecimal digits are used to encode an extra nonce see The Extra Nonce Solution , or random value, used to find a suitable proof of work solution. Note that the libbitcoin library contains a static copy of the genesis block, so the example code can retrieve the genesis block directly from the library. To construct the block header, the mining node needs to fill in six fields, as listed in Table At the time that block , was mined, the version number describing the block structure is version 2, which is encoded in little-endian format in 4 bytes as 0x The block header hash for block , is:.

What happens to Bitcoin mining companies after all the bitcoin is mined?

The next step is to summarize all the transactions with a merkle tree, in order to add the merkle root to the block header. The generation transaction is listed as the first transaction in the block. Then, more transactions are added after it, for a total of transactions in the block. The node then fills in the difficulty target, which defines the required proof-of-work difficulty to make this a valid block.

The encoding has a 1-byte exponent, followed by a 3-byte mantissa coefficient. In block ,, for example, the difficulty bits value is 0xa30c. The first part 0x19 is a hexadecimal exponent, while the next part, 0x03a30c , is the coefficient. The final field is the nonce, which is initialized to zero. With all the other fields filled, the block header is now complete and the process of mining can begin. The goal is now to find a value for the nonce that results in a block header hash that is less than the difficulty target. The mining node will need to test billions or trillions of nonce values before a nonce is found that satisfies the requirement.

Throughout this book we have studied cryptographic hash functions as used in various aspects of the bitcoin system. In the simplest terms, mining is the process of hashing the block header repeatedly, changing one parameter, until the resulting hash matches a specific target. This feature of hash functions means that the only way to produce a hash result matching a specific target is to try again and again, randomly modifying the input until the desired hash result appears by chance.

A hash algorithm takes an arbitrary-length data input and produces a fixed-length deterministic result, a digital fingerprint of the input. For any specific input, the resulting hash will always be the same and can be easily calculated and verified by anyone implementing the same hash algorithm. The key characteristic of a cryptographic hash algorithm is that it is virtually impossible to find two different inputs that produce the same fingerprint.

As a corollary, it is also virtually impossible to select an input in such a way as to produce a desired fingerprint, other than trying random inputs. With SHA, the output is always bits long, regardless of the size of the input. Example shows the result of calculating the hash of "I am Satoshi Nakamoto" : 5d7c7ba21cbbcd75dbd5be5bd27cbcca6be. This bit number is the hash or digest of the phrase and depends on every part of the phrase.

Adding a single letter, punctuation mark, or any other character will produce a different hash. Now, if we change the phrase, we should expect to see completely different hashes.

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Running this will produce the hashes of several phrases, made different by adding a number at the end of the text. By incrementing the number, we can get different hashes, as shown in Example Each phrase produces a completely different hash result.

How To Mine Cryptocurrency: Beginner's Guide To Crypto Mining

They seem completely random, but you can reproduce the exact results in this example on any computer with Python and see the same exact hashes. The number used as a variable in such a scenario is called a nonce. The nonce is used to vary the output of a cryptographic function, in this case to vary the SHA fingerprint of the phrase. It took 13 attempts to find it. In terms of probabilities, if the output of the hash function is evenly distributed we would expect to find a result with a 0 as the hexadecimal prefix once every 16 hashes one out of 16 hexadecimal digits 0 through F.

In numerical terms, that means finding a hash value that is less than 0x We call this threshold the target and the goal is to find a hash that is numerically less than the target.

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If we decrease the target, the task of finding a hash that is less than the target becomes more and more difficult. To give a simple analogy, imagine a game where players throw a pair of dice repeatedly, trying to throw less than a specified target. In the first round, the target is Unless you throw double-six, you win.