Solarcoin bitcointalk

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SolarCoin Technical

IPS ips. Abe works with files created by the original Satoshi Bitcoin client. You will need a copy of the block files blk You may let Abe read the block files while Bitcoin runs, assuming Bitcoin only appends to the file. Prior to Bitcoin v0. Abe may need some fixes to avoid skipping blocks while current and future Bitcoin versions run. You may do this by forking the Github project if you received this code from Github. Or you may wish to satisfy the requirement by simply passing "--auto-agpl" to "python -m Abe. This option makes all files in the directory containing abe.

You will have to specify a database driver and connection arguments dbtype and connect-args in abe. The dbtype is the name of a Python module that supports your database.

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Known to work are psycopg2 for PostgreSQL and sqlite3. The value of connect-args depends on your database configuration; consult the module's documentation of the connect method.

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Reading the block files takes much too long, several days or more for the main BTC block chain as of However, if you use a persistent database, Abe remembers where it stopped reading and starts more quickly the second time. Abe does not currently handle block file changes gracefully. If you replace your copy of the block chain, you must rebuild Abe's database or quicker force a rescan.

To force a rescan of all data directories, run Abe once with the "--rescan" option. To display Namecoin or any block chain with data somewhere other than the default Bitcoin directory, specify "datadir" in abe. Skip to content. This repository has been archived by the owner. It is now read-only.

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Forum2100: Cryptocurrency in Renewable Energy – SolarCoin with Nick Gogerty

Launching Xcode If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Latest commit. Git stats 25 commits. Failed to load latest commit information.