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Bitcoin Cash Explained ( BTC vs BCH )

The default value is set to ms for incoming connections and half that for outgoing instead of 5 seconds incoming 2 sec outgoing. In order to mitigate spam attacks, the node will limit the rate at which new transaction invs are broadcast to each peer. That is, with a 32 MB blocksize limit, no more than tx INVs are allowed to be broadcast each second. The broadcast rate limit is adjustable through the -txbroadcastrate configuration option.

The default value for -maxmempool has been changed to 10 times the excessiveblocksize , i. If your node does not have sufficient free memory to accommodate such a maxmempool setting when running on scalenet , we recommend to upgrade your memory capacity or override this default.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH): There’s More Than One Bitcoin?

Two new configuration have been added which control the INV broadcast interval and rate, with millisecond resolution. These options have important impact on user experience and scalability, and have been configured with settings that improve on the previous conditions. For more information on these impact of these options, please refer to the detailed description in:.

Log lines can be prefixed with the name of the thread that caused the log. The getnetworkhashps RPC has an option to calculate average hashrate "since last difficulty change". This option works incorrectly, assuming that difficulty changes every blocks. The option is considered irrelevant with the per-block DAA adjustments introduced in and is scheduled for removal in a future release. Also, -txindex is no longer required and getblockstats works for all non-pruned blocks. A discrepancy was noticed in the argument and result value names of getexcessiveblock and setexcessiveblock RPC calls between the interface documentation, actual required argument names, error message and name of returned result.

A two-step procedure will be followed to correct this.

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In this release, the RPC help and error messages for the setexcessiveblock command have been corrected to maxBlockSize to align the name of the argument, previously blockSize , with the name required when the "named argument" form of the call is used. In a future release, the parameter name maxBlockSize introduced by this version will be renamed to 'excessiveBlockSize' in order to make it the same as the result value of the getexcessiveblock RPC call.

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Some issues could not be closed in time for release, but we are tracking all of them on our GitLab repository. MacOS versions earlier than Windows users are recommended not to run multiple instances of bitcoin-qt or bitcoind on the same machine if the wallet feature is enabled. There is risk of data corruption if instances are configured to use the same wallet folder.

Some users have encountered unit tests failures when running in WSL environments e. At this time, WSL is not considered a supported environment for the software. This may change in future. The functional failure on WSL is tracked in Issue It arises when competing node program instances are not prevented from opening the same wallet folder. Running multiple program instances with the same configured walletdir could potentially lead to data corruption. The failure has not been observed on other operating systems so far.

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Issue For users running from sources built with BerkeleyDB releases newer than the 5. When building from source it is recommended to use BerkeleyDB 5. There is a documentation build bug that causes some ordered lists on docs. This does not otherwise appear to impact the functioning of the BCHN software on that platform. An 'autotools' build the old build method fails on OSX when using Clang.

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With a certain combination of build flags that included disabling the QR code library, a build failure was observed where an erroneous linking against the QR code library not present was attempted Issue The 'autotools' build is known to require some workarounds in order to use the 'fuzzing' build feature Issue Some functional tests are known to fail spuriously with varying probability.

Issue , and a fuller listing in Possible out-of-memory error when starting bitcoind with high excessiveblocksize value Issue There are obstacles building the current version on Ubuntu These are worked around by our packaging system, but users trying to build the software from scratch are advised to either upgrade to more recent Ubuntu, or retrofit the necessary toolchains and perform the same build steps for Xenial as registered in our packaging repository, or build in a VM using the gitian build instructions, or run our reproducible binary release builds.

It has an option to calculate average hashrate "since last difficulty change" and wrongly assumes difficulty changes every blocks. This irrelevant option will likely be removed in the next release. A problem was observed on scalenet where nodes would sometimes hang for around 10 minutes, accepting RPC connections but not responding to them see This is because code style checking is currently a work in progress while we adjust it to our own project requirements see Issue There are also RPC parameter type inconsistencies that flag linting checks see We remind that the 0.

Users must upgrade to a release in the Installing this version is optional, but we recommend that users of Added configuration to access new DNS seeders from loping. This release implements the 'extversion' extended versioning handshake protocol ref. BCHN merge requests! A new indexdir configuration option allows the user to specify a path under which the leveldb 'index' folder is stored. The use case for this new option is to store the index on a separate volume of faster access media while the blocks can be stored on slower media. A new finalizeheaders configuration option enabled by default rejects block headers which are below the finalized block height if a block has indeed been finalized already.

Finalized blocks are not supposed to be re-organized under any circumstances just like checkpointed blocks. There is therefore no need to accept headers for alternate chains below the last finalized block. Nodes which submit such blocks are penalized according to a penalty score determined by the finalizeheaderspenalty option default is , meaning such nodes will be disconnected. In practice this works to quickly disconnect nodes from old chains like the "Clashic" network which sometimes submit headers of forked off chains with vastly lower block heights.

No new RPC methods are added in this release, however some argument aliases are added to existing calls for backward compatibility and a new optional parameter is added to the sendtoaddress method for improved coin selection performance. An optional coin selection 'coinsel' argument has been added to the sendtoaddress RPC method. An alias dummy has been added for the parameters argument of the submitblock call, for backward compatibility.

User who are running any of our previous releases 0. The update to Bitcoin Cash Node As of version Hence our version numbers no longer start with a zero. Semantic versioning makes it easy to tell from the change in version number what are the impacts on interfaces and backward compatibility:.

A major version first number change indicates that an interface changed in a way that makes the new software incompatible with older releases. A patch version third number change indicates that a new release only contains bug fixes which are backward compatible. Automatic bans are now referred to as "discouraged" in log output, as they're not and weren't even before strictly banned: incoming connections are still allowed from them as was the case before this change , but they're preferred for eviction. Automatic bans will no longer time-out automatically after 24 hours.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is up over 22% in the last 24 hours.

Depending on traffic from other peers, automatic bans may time-out at an indeterminate time. Automatic bans will no longer be persisted across restarts. Only manual bans will be persisted. Automatic bans can no longer be lifted with the setban remove RPC command. If you need to remove an automatic ban, you must clear all automatic bans with the clearbanned false true RPC command, or restart the software to clear automatic bans. All extant automatic bans "node misbehaving" that are currently stored in the node's banlist. The regression test chain, that can be enabled by the -regtest command line flag, now requires transactions to not violate standard policy by default.

Making the default the same as for mainnet, makes it easier to test mainnet behavior on regtest.

Bitcoin vs Bitcoin Cash: understanding the difference

Be reminded that the testnet still allows non-standard txs by default and that the policy can be locally adjusted with the -acceptnonstdtxn command line flag for both test chains. A mechanism has been added to this version such that it will gracefully expire on May 15, , at the time of the network upgrade which is tentatively scheduled to occur then. This feature has been added as a safety measure to prevent this version of the node software from mining or otherwise transacting on an incompatible chain, should an upgrade take place on May 15th, This version will begin to warn via RPC "warnings", via a GUI message, and via periodic messages to the log starting 30 days prior to May 15th, Once the future consensus rules of the May 15th, upgrade to the Bitcoin Cash network have been determined, a new version of Bitcoin Cash Node will be made available well in advance of May 15th, It is recommended that all users of Bitcoin Cash Node update their nodes at that time so as to ensure uninterrupted operation.

The autotools build system autogen , configure , CMake is the replacement build system, look at the documentation for the build instructions. To continue using the autotools build system, pass the --enable-deprecated-build-system flag to configure. The bitcoin-tx tool has fully supported CashAddr since v0.

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Version The medianfeerate field in getblockstats output has been removed. Bitcoin Cash Node In earlier versions, it already was inactive due to no available proposals to vote on.