Bitcoin transaction api

For more information, see the examples. Users can set three optional fields within the createTx object: data , replaceable and locktime.

The mandatory fields are: walletName, password, outputs and fee see example. There are a few optional fields, such as: inputs, fee address and locktime. If input addresses are not included, then the system will automatically choose addresses from the wallet. However, if included, a list of addresses from the wallet and the values should be specified. Fee address is optional and if is specified the fee will be proportionally distributed among the input addresses. The mandatory fields are: walletId, password, outputs and fee see example. We also offer the ability to decode raw transactions without sending propagating them to the network; perhaps you want to double-check another client library or confirm that another service is sending proper transactions.

The Refund a Transaction Endpoint allows users easily to return the amount in btc they have received from an unknown source. Only two fields are required: the txid of the transcation and the wif of the recipient address see examples. There is an optional field fee. If fee field is not set the system will set the recommended fee from the Transaction Fee Endpoint.

The fee depends mainly on how much the network is overloaded. The higher fee you pay, the faster your transaction will be mined. You can use our different endpoints to get information all the time about fees and decide what fee you would set for your transactions. Transactions Fee Endpoint gives information about the fees for all transactions included in the last 70 blocks. However, it is only a suggestion and should be used at users' sole discretion. Crypto APIs provides an endpoint where you can get the size of your transaction in bytes.

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Using the provided data you can easily calculate and set your fee. Estimates the approximate fee per kilobyte needed for a transaction to begin confirmation within confTarget blocks if possible and return the number of blocks for which the estimate is valid. Every child key pair can define an xPub Extended Public Key.

You can think of it as a read-only view of a wallet. A yPub key is the same as an xPub key. Create Public Extended Key xPub, yPub, zPub Endpoint allows you to create a random extended public key based on your password , xpriv and wif. Get Pub Addresses Endpoint allows you to get addresses associated with the specified extended public key. Supported BIP formats are: bip39, bip44, bip49 and bip Since addresses are hierarchically ordered we provide the query params index and limit , in order to be able to get the addresses in specific positions.

Default values are: 0 and , accordingly. The default values will return the first one hundred receive addresses. If you want to get the change addresses of the extended public key you should set type to be equal to "change" as a query parameter. Get Pub Addresses Endpoint allows you to get transactions associated with the specified extended public key. Since addresses are hierarchically ordered we provide the query params index and limit , in order to be able to get the addresses and their transactions in specific positions. The default values will return the transactions for the first one hundred receive addresses.

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Expiration time for new settlements and affirmations, in milliseconds. If this amount of time passes before a settlement is affirmed, rejected, or canceled, the settlement will be marked as failed. The Create Trade Payload API builds an unsigned trade payload, which serves as an authorization to move funds from your trading account to a counterparty's trading account.

This payload must be cryptographically signed with your private key to authorize the movement of funds. Payload version to create. It is recommended to specify the most recent version for maximum security and compatibility. Older payload versions are subject to deprecation at a later date.

This payload must be cryptographically signed with a trading account's private key to authorize the movement of funds. The Calculate Settlement Fees method will calculate the fees that will be taken out for settlement. Amount of specified offchain currency this trade account will receive, in "base units" i. Amount of specified offchain currency this trading account will receive, in "base units" i.

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The Create Settlement API initiates a settlement between the requester and a designated counterparty. It will create a Settlement object and an Affirmation object for every trading account involved.

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Requester must also include a signed payload as part of their request. Locks will be placed on every trading account and stored in the Affirmation object. Settlements can also be filtered by status. Affirmations can also be filtered by status. Stringified JSON of trade payload. If the Affirmation signature is not found, then payload is automatically calculated and populated here. The payload cryptographically signed by trading account. Used to authorize the movement of funds. Requester is the primary or the secondary account in the trading partnership.

If the requester wants their partner as the agent, then they are secondary account and their partner is the primary account. Once the limit is reached, requests will be rejected with Too Many Requests. The following headers are returned on every request Header Description X-Ratelimit-Limit Request limit per second X-Ratelimit-Remaining Remaining number of requests allowed in interval X-Ratelimit-Reset Duration in milliseconds until the total quota resets The following header is also returned if the response is Too Many Requests Header Description Retry-After Duration in seconds of how long to wait before making a new request.

Get a list of daily historical prices in the portfolio's functional currency - defaults to prior month. Get a list of the connections for a given portfolio to which the user with the access token belongs. Get information for a single connection within a given portfolio to which the user with the access token belongs. Get information for a single account within a given portfolio to which the user with the access token belongs.

Get balance information grouped by instrument for a single portfolio to which the user with the access token belongs. Get balance information grouped by instrument for a single connection within a given portfolio to which the user with the access token belongs. Get balance information grouped by instrument for a single account within a given portfolio to which the user with the access token belongs. Get details for a single transaction by Transaction ID within a given portfolio to which the user with the access token belongs. List all accounting line items within a given portfolio to which the user with the access token belongs.

Get details for a single accounting line item by Line Item ID within a given portfolio to which the user with the access token belongs.

Primary Sidebar

Lists all open orders from the user that the access token belongs to. Orders that are no longer open will not appear in this default request. Places a new order. Orders can only be placed if your account has a sufficient balance. When an order is placed, funds will be reserved for the amount of the order. The quantity currency must be in quote currency for buy and base currency for sell.

Attempt to cancel an order that was previously placed. The response will return successful if the cancel request is submitted. Use Get Order endpoint or subscribe to the orders websocket to get the order. Lists your trades from the user that the access token belongs to. This will include trades that have not yet settled. The trailer is included on every FIX message sent. The heartbeat monitors the status of the communications link.

When either side has not sent any data for HeartBTInt x 0. The heartbeat may also be sent in response to a Test Request. The test request forces a heartbeat response from the opposing application. It may be sent at any time by either side. The Logon message is sent by the application requesting to initiate a FIX session. Only one session per connection is permitted. A Logon message sent within an established session will result in an error. The Reject message should be issued by either side when a message is received but cannot be processed, e.

The Logout message is sent by either side to initiate the termination of a session. Before a session is closed, the side initiating the logout should wait for a reply with the same message type that confirms a session termination. Disconnection without logging out is regarded as an error. The order cancel request message is sent by the client to request cancellation of the entire remaining quantity of an existing order. The order status request is sent by the client to generate information about pending and completed orders. The order cancel reject message is sent by the server when it receives an Order Cancel Request which cannot be honored.

Filled or cancelled orders cannot be changed. To keep the connection alive, a PING frame is required before the timeout expires. The orders channel provides updates to client orders and will let you know if an order is: Created, Completed, Cancelled, or if there is an Error.

Bitcoin (BTC)

This channel will also provide updates to individual fills within an order. A case-insensitive regular expression which will be used to filter returned addresses based on their address label. Maximum number of results to return.