Bitcoin blockchain block size

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Bitcoin Block Size Chart

Further related statistics. Further Content: You might find this interesting as well. Learn more about how Statista can support your business. February 22, Size of the Bitcoin blockchain from January to February 21, in gigabytes [Graph]. In Statista. Accessed March 29, Statista Inc.. This means that if any new transaction takes place, the ledger on each node will be updated accordingly.

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Block size limit controversy

However, blockchain is not free from problems. Initially, the blockchain block size was not as big, as only a small number of peers are connected to the network.

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  • Blockchain Size: Everything You Need To Know.
  • Why Shouldn’t Bitcoin Blocks Be Too Small?.
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  • • Bitcoin blockchain size | Statista!
  • For example, the bitcoin blockchain size was MB in size in This leads us to a bitcoin blockchain size problem. Other blockchain networks also suffer from the same problem. The blockchain size of Ethereum has already crossed 1 TB. In the last two years, the bitcoin blockchain ledger size has grown from GB to GB.

    By , we can see the blockchain ledger size cross more than 1 TB easily. However, not every node needs to download the whole blockchain to become functional. Some participants take part in the blockchain network to make transactions and not to validate one.


    Some nodes are called full nodes. The full nodes are required for those who are willing to participate in the validation of the ongoing transaction. This means that they have to download the whole GB of blockchain data containing the block headers and transactions. More so, the current bitcoin blockchain size limit is 1 MB. However, some of the space within this limit is not usable.

    So, you will have to work with the bitcoin blockchain size limit just as it is. The problem of the blockchain ledger size of Ethereum was more intense than that of bitcoin. Alistair Milne, a bitcoin investor, raised alarms on how the Ethereum ledger size is growing compared to bitcoin. According to the picture posted by him, Ethereum is growing at 3x that of bitcoins.

    But, that might not be completely true as Ethereum also offers ways to work with the ledger. It offers a concept called pruning, which allows nodes to work without the need to download whole blockchain data. Yes, blockchain ledger size matters. In the end Mike Hearn decided to leave due to the way many members of the bitcoin community had treated him.

    One of the many tactics that are used against anyone who does not support Blockstream and the bitcoin developers who work for them is that you will be targeted in a smear campaign. This has happened to a number of individuals and companies who showed support for scaling bitcoin. Theymos has threatened companies that he will ban any discussion of them on the communication channels he controls i.

    As time passed, more and more proposals were offered, all against the backdrop of ever increasing censorship in the main bitcoin communication channels. It finally come down the smallest and most conservative solution. This solution was much smaller than even the employees of Blockstream had proposed months earlier.

    As usual there was enormous attacks from all sides and the most vocal opponents were the employees of Blockstream. These attacks still are ongoing today. As this software started to gain support, Blockstream organised more meetings, especially with the biggest bitcoin miners and made a pact with them.

    They promised that they would release code that would offer an on-chain scaling solution hardfork within about 4 months, but if the miners wanted this they would have to commit to running their software and only their software. The miners agreed and the ended up not running the most conservative proposal possible. This was in February last year.

    There is no hardfork proposal in sight from the people who agreed to this pact and bitcoin is still stuck with the exact same transaction limit it has had since the limit was put in place about 6 years ago. Gavin has also been publicly smeared by the developers at Blockstream and a plot was made against him to have him removed from the development team. Gavin has now been, for all intents an purposes, expelled from bitcoin development. This has meant that all control of bitcoin development is in the hands of the developers working at Blockstream.

    There is a new proposal that offers a market based approach to scaling bitcoin. This essentially lets the market decide. Of course, as usual there has been attacks against it, and verbal attacks from the employees of Blockstream. This has the biggest chance of gaining wide support and solving the problem for good.

    Although this comment is ridiculously long, it really only covers the tip of the iceberg. You could write a book on the last two years of bitcoin. The things that have been going on have been mind blowing. The users that the video talks about have very very large numbers of downvotes mostly due to them having a very very high chance of being astroturfers. Around about the same time last year when Blockstream came active on the scene every single bitcoin troll disappeared, and I mean literally every single one.

    In the years before that there were a large number of active anti-bitcoin trolls. But suddenly last year they all disappeared. Instead a new type of bitcoin user appeared. Someone who said they were fully in support of bitcoin but they just so happened to support every single thing Blockstream and its employees said and did. They had the exact same tone as the trolls who had disappeared.

    They were extremely argumentative. These users are the majority of the list of that video. They spend their time constantly causing as much drama as possible. These people are astroturfers. What someone somewhere worked out, is that all you have to do to take down a community is say that you are on their side. It is an astoundingly effective form of psychological attack.