Wikipedia bitcoin forks

The first implementation of the software was proposed under the name Bitcoin ABC at a conference that month. The change, called a fork , took effect on 1 August As a result, the bitcoin ledger called the blockchain and the cryptocurrency split in two. A Hong Kong newspaper likened this to a new version of word processing software saying: [18]. Bitcoin cash is like a new version of Microsoft Word , which generates documents that can no longer be opened via the older versions.

Bryan Kelly, a stock analyst likened it to a software upgrade: [19]. But in this particular case, everybody is not agreeing. At the time of the software upgrade also known as a fork anyone owning bitcoin came into possession of the same number of Bitcoin Cash units.

A key difference of opinion between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin camps was over the running of nodes. Bitcoin supporters wanted to keep blocks small so that nodes could be operated with less resources, while some Bitcoin Cash supporters find it acceptable that due to large block sizes , nodes might only be run by universities, private companies and nonprofits. In Bitcoin Core developer Cory Fields found a bug in the Bitcoin ABC software that would have allowed an attacker to create a block causing a chain split.

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Fields notified the development team about it, and the bug was fixed. Andreas Antonopoulos , "The Verge".

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In there were two factions of Bitcoin supporters: those that supported large blocks and those who preferred small blocks. Both Bitcoin, as well as Bitcoin Cash, use a proof-of-work algorithm to timestamp every new block. The proof of work algorithm used is the same in both cases. It can be described as a partial inversion of a hash function. Additionally, both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash target a new block to be generated every ten minutes on average. The time needed to calculate a new block is influenced by a parameter called the mining difficulty.

If the total amount of mining power increases, an increase of the mining difficulty can keep the block time roughly constant. Vice versa, if the mining power decreases, a decrease of the mining difficulty can keep the block time roughly constant. To keep the block generation time equal to ten minutes on average, both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash use an algorithm adjusting the mining difficulty parameter.

This algorithm is called the difficulty adjustment algorithm DAA. Originally, both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash used the same difficulty adjustment algorithm, adjusting the mining difficulty parameter every blocks. EDA adjustments caused instabilities in mining difficulty of the Bitcoin Cash system, resulting in Bitcoin Cash being thousands of blocks ahead of Bitcoin. The change took effect on 13 November To calculate the difficulty for a new block, the Bitcoin Cash DAA uses a moving window of last blocks.

A group of researchers demonstrated that, as of June , Bitcoin DAA fails to generate new blocks at a constant rate as long as the hash supply is elastic.

Bitcoin Cash

In contrast to that, the group demonstrated that Bitcoin Cash DAA is stable even when the cryptocurrency price is volatile and the supply of hash power is highly elastic. The split originated from what was described as a "civil war" in two competing bitcoin cash camps. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Cryptocurrency that is a fork of Bitcoin. Issuance will permanently halt around at 20,, The arguments have devolved over three or four years of bitter debate, the principles are real and they are important to preserve, but a lot of the drama has nothing to do with principles anymore.

A lot of this debate is now more about hurt feelings. Retrieved 28 June Bitcoin Unlimited. Retrieved 22 March Retrieved 23 July BPB Publications. ISBN Financial Times. Retrieved 3 June Retrieved 1 March What's With All the Bitcoin Clones? Retrieved 6 June Bloomberg LP. Retrieved 18 August Retrieved 14 April The New York Times. ISSN Retrieved 28 July Bloomberg Businessweek. Retrieved 19 December FT Alphaville. The Economist. Retrieved 22 June CNN Tech. Cable News Network.

What Is A Bitcoin Fork? - D-Central

Retrieved 2 April South China Morning Post. The fact that no one person or group can determine when and how bitcoin should be upgraded has similarly made the process of updating the system more complex. In the years following the Genesis Block, there have been several hard forks. During a hard fork, software implementing bitcoin and its mining procedures is upgraded; once a user upgrades their software, that version rejects all transactions from older software, effectively creating a new branch of the blockchain. However, those users who retain the old software continue to process transactions, meaning that there is a parallel set of transactions taking place across two different chains.

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Bitcoin XT was one of the first notable hard forks of bitcoin. The software was launched by Mike Hearn in late in order to include several new features he had proposed. While the previous version of bitcoin allowed up to seven transactions per second, Bitcoin XT aimed for 24 transactions per second. In order to accomplish this, it proposed increasing the block size from 1 megabyte to 8 megabytes.

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Bitcoin XT initially saw success, with more than 1, nodes running its software in the late summer of However, by just a few months later, the project lost user interest and was essentially left for dead. Bitcoin XT is technically still available, but it is generally seen to have fallen out of favor. When Bitcoin XT declined, some community members still wanted block sizes to increase. In response, a group of developers launched Bitcoin Classic in early Unlike XT, which proposed increasing the block size to 8 megabytes, Classic intended to increase it to only 2 megabytes. Like Bitcoin XT, Bitcoin Classic saw initial interest, with about 2, nodes for several months during The project also still exists today, with some developers strongly supporting Bitcoin Classic.

Nonetheless, the larger cryptocurrency community seems to have generally moved on to other options. Bitcoin Unlimited remains something of an enigma since its release in early The project's developers released code but did not specify which type of fork it would require. Bitcoin Unlimited set itself apart by allowing miners to decide on the size of their blocks, with nodes and miners limiting the size of blocks they accept, up to 16 megabytes.

Despite some lingering interest, Bitcoin Unlimited has largely failed to gain acceptance. Put simply, SegWit aims to reduce the size of each bitcoin transaction, thereby allowing more transactions to take place at once. SegWit was technically a soft fork. However, it may have helped to prompt hard forks after it was originally proposed. In response to SegWit, some bitcoin developers and users decided to initiate a hard fork in order to avoid the protocol updates it brought about.

Bitcoin cash was the result of this hard fork. It split off from the main blockchain in August , when Bitcoin Cash wallets rejected bitcoin transactions and blocks. Bitcoin Cash remains the most successful hard fork of the primary cryptocurrency. As of March , it is the eleventh-largest digital currency by market cap , owing in part to the backing of many prominent figures in the cryptocurrency community and many popular exchanges. Bitcoin Cash allows blocks of 8 megabytes and did not adopt the SegWit protocol.

Bitcoin Gold was a hard fork that followed shortly after Bitcoin Cash in October The creators of this hard fork aimed to restore the mining functionality with basic graphics processing units GPU , as they felt that mining had become too specialized in terms of equipment and hardware required. One unique feature of the Bitcoin Gold hard fork was a "pre-mine," a process by which the development team mined , coins after the fork had taken place. Many of these coins were placed into a special "endowment," and developers have indicated that this endowment will be used to grow and finance the Bitcoin Gold ecosystem, with a portion of those coins being set aside as payment for developers as well.

Generally, Bitcoin Gold adheres to many of the basic principles of bitcoin. However, it differs in terms of the proof-of-work algorithm it requires of miners.

Bitcoin Cash - Wikipedia

When SegWit was implemented in August , developers planned on a second component to the protocol upgrade. This addition, known as SegWit2x , would trigger a hard fork stipulating a block size of 2 megabytes. SegWit2x was slated to take place as a hard fork in November However, a number of companies and individuals in the bitcoin community that had originally backed the SegWit protocol decided to back out of the hard fork in the second component.

Some of the backlash was a result of SegWit2x including opt-in rather than mandatory replay protection; this would have had a major impact on the types of transactions that the new fork would have accepted. On Nov. In a matter of years, Bitcoin has already spawned a large number of forks. While no one can say for sure, it's likely that the cryptocurrency will continue to experience both soft and hard forks into the future as well, continually growing the cryptocurrency community while also making it increasingly complicated.

The Washington Post. Vertex Marketplace.